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Why use VGA Video Extender

Page:7285 Release Time:2012.04.11

With the project, home theater with large screens (plasma, rear projection, etc.), more and more demanding huge screen resolution, ordinary TV TV signals has been below standard, and the popularity of the network makes the power good moviesresources more readily available. PC VGA video with high definition, people ask the big screen with a home theater PC player above to download the movies, high-resolution VGA computer video to see movies. Variety of monitoring, information dissemination and other projects also proposed VGA video transmission requirements. The standard VGA video transmission distance is often restricted the idea. To solve the engineering problem of transfers above VGA, VGA signal amplifier began to appear, which uses amplification principle, with VGA video cable as the transmission medium can be the computer´s VGA video signals transmitted on the meters. But then it was found to defects, long-distance VGA cable thick and hard, not easy to find, you need to factory custom, wiring is extremely inconvenient, VGA, when the welding head is also very easy to go wrong. VGA cable wire itself to determine its poor anti-interference, as the distance increases, some are actually not very strong interference of the wire which has become a powerful long-distance, and some amplifiers will amplify with the interfering signals, resulting in some test environments The actual project can be done successfully but there is no way to apply, causing a great loss to rework. To address these transmission problems, new technologies and ideas have emerged, one using ordinary network cable (twisted pair) for the transmission medium VGA Video Extender VGA video transmission technology become the new favorites. The transmission received by a transmitter, a receiver, the transmitter will re-encode VGA video signal to differential signal technology in the cable above the transmission to a remote receiver decoder reduced to VGA. As the wire cable high frequency attenuation characteristics of large, back-end receiver is very important to restore compensation. Technical treatment, it might have poor color reproduction, trailing ghosting and other issues. Many sub-classification of products used to adjust the DIP switch (Taiwan and mainland China are used in many products similar technology), this design idea is very good, but the actual use of the time often due to the project to adopt the cable quality different environment of the scene is different, this approach can not be done precisely the purpose of regulation, when the user is also very troublesome.

VGA video extension device which uses a differential technique itself is strong anti-interference performance, coupled with some technical processing, anti-interference are greatly enhanced. Even the most severe magnetic environments strong power plant can use it to long-distance transmission VGA video. Immunity is an important indicator of the quality assurance project, how to ensure immunity to the product design of the circuit shows a level of R & D personnel. Interference effect of different products is different, conditional, when users select the best products do first interference test, no users were the best spot in the field or even worse than the case of testing the re-setting purchase. So as to ensure the quality of the project approved by Party A, to ensure that the two sides together happily.

Twisted pair transmission technology is the use of VGA video cable inside the 3 pairs of lines to transmit VGA video RGB signals, and mixed signal encoding two RGB HV transmission inside. Cable properties of both the use of long-distance transmission to solve the problem of internal crosstalk and save a pair of lines to transmit other signals, making the twisted pair transmission equipment with more features, application of more widely. For example my company´s JD-1VGA mouse and keyboard extender, is the use of the remaining pair of lines to transmit mouse and keyboard signals, real-time remote client operation. Can also be used to transmit audio signals or control signals. Of course, simultaneous transmission of three mouse and keyboard VGA signal to a higher technical difficulty, required stronger anti-interference. The company has a twisted pair interface signals of various computer peripherals and has been patented technology to stay ahead in this regard, for the project to provide users with better and more comprehensive product.

Cable for the wire drawn to cheap, crystal head made easy, the wiring is also convenient. Current and VGA Extender VGA video signal amplifier price difference is not large, the greater the distance, the lower the cost of wire, the better anti-interference. Can be said that more than 30 meters from the VGA Video Extender VGA signal amplifier has been replaced by a trend.


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